Arena VIII, The: Town Defense
Release Date
Requires MegaZeux 2.02 to 2.51 or newer.
Arena VIII, The: Town Defense
No summary available.
Posted date unknown
Wow. Bad graphics, bizarre and horrible engines. Not to mention the singular genius of not telling you how to cast spells (unless I missed it somehow). All built ins except for bosses. Some weapons and abilities that have no use what so ever. This is what not to do.
Koji  said:
Posted date unknown
I have a feeling someone played a caverns game or two, and went off and made this cheap knock off where you just linearly go through battling a few builtins then a bot boss a few builtins then a bot boss, etc etc. Really sad, especially since he apparently made 8 of these games before he STOPPED! :<
samtam90  said:
Posted date unknown
How sad to see how bad these Arena games are.... they *should* (at least i think) be sequels of Arena II of ZZT (made by RinGames), but they're only garbage. Avoid.
Kuddy  said:
Last modified 2011-12-12 04:17:29
"Eat ghost."

That one line is the only redeeming part of this game, really. Outside of the poorly-constructed and extremely tedious RPG battles, this looks like something somebody could have thrown together in a BKZX nowadays, even without borrowing pre-made engines. You are also given no instructions on how to cast spells or change characters, and to top it all off, the last RPG fight has a game-stopping bug where the player isn't placed in the menu like he's supposed to be, leaving you unable to input commands.

Having known DGMascaro back in the day, and having been in the same MZX "company" as him, I can confirm that he was working on another sequel to this game, and was determined to make it much better than this one. Sadly, that game never made it very far past the planning stages (only like two boards were done last I checked), and thus the Arena series as a whole was doomed to mediocrity.