Name Author Released Rating DLs 
Voyage to the Abyss DemoXColX   85
Legend of OmegaZzCrook   120
Chrono Wars MZX DemoChronos30  101
Crazinessnessaja_cat18   74
Craziness 2nessaja_cat18   72
Demon Earth DemoNytar   83
Magician's AdventureBaby Bonnie Hood   148
MegaZeux 3.0 Tragedy Chapter 1Patrick Santos  102
Shining Legend DemoWaka  124
Snarfooglecheezit200   303
Johnny PestRobert Bloom  85
PortalsAliasiSudonomo   96
Lord of AtlantisE. CyberBRO  90
Mana LustE. CyberBRO  96
Dialog Adventure DemoTessbot   75
ESPIONAGE Of Zeuxnooodl   123
Super ASCII MZX Town! Part I (ver. 2.1)zzo38  No reviews.149
Legend of Omega 2 (ver. 2.0)ZzCrook   112
Prince's QestBrian Palmer No reviews.41
Reign of ZartokCirclesoft No reviews.35
Zeux 2: Caverns of Zeuxtromdage 1994-12-04 1828
Zeux 3: Chronos Stasistromdage 1995-03-11 967
Zeux 4: Forest of Ruintromdage 1995-03-11 924
Zeux 5: Catacombs of Zeuxtromdage 1995-03-11 905
George's AdventureBFrumble1995-06-01 97
Castle of the AardvarksYapok Jr.1996-01-29 153
Link's Chaotic Adventure (ver. Preview)E. CyberBRO1996-02-03No reviews.50
Freakish Town I & IIZZTurbo1996-03-27 128
KM's Univers!KMSpill1996-04-24 242
Honor Quest (ver. 1.0a FIX)Dchewer 1996-06-24 435
Blue Buckaroo 1 & 2Bob Keller Kielbasis1996-06-30 181
Zog the HunterLegendd1996-08-22 144
Stolen Zambooboo Demo, The (ver. 1.2)Brandon Faegre1996-11-27 61
Weirdness Chapter 1tromdage 1996-12-01 615
Orb of the Twisted Demo, TheLegendd1997-01-17 103
Talon's TaleOtto Germain 1997-01-18 265
Mystical Magical Bean Isle, The (ver. 1.03)Andrew Lusk1997-02-16No reviews.47
Secret Untold, TheDragtaur / MetaMagus1997-03-17No reviews.43
Spirit Revenge (ver. 1.0.9703)yenrab1997-03-23 389
Engine Demo (ver. 2.1)djtiesto 1997-06-19 91
Final Fantasy Edventuredjtiesto 1997-06-20 401
Goo Buckaroo DemoXwing1056 1997-07-22 91
ExodusRalse1997-07-29 93
Seiken Densetsu: Blade of Islandjtiesto 1997-08-14 199
Honor Quest 2 Chapter 1Dchewer 1997-09-06 197
Arena VIII, The: Town DefenseDGMascaro1997-09-19 87
Eggplant Adventure Chapter 1Tabris 1997-11-27 342
Honor Quest SEDchewer and myth1997-12-09 337
Doom KeepManofAction 1997-12-30 101
Adventures of Mike Sweeney Part 1Bnu1998-01-01 8